

30 August 2019

FACE rolled out its second event for the semester conducted by its sister club CodeChef. An event on Logical Thinking exclusively for Freshman and Sophomore year students. Each participant was/were allowed to participate individually or in pairs. Organized on a light day of the week, Thursday the expected crowd did not deceive us. We had a full house occupancy of rooms A-404 & A-405. As per schedule the event started at 3:35pm with the giving of the question papers. A period of 35 minutes was given to each contestant with additional 5 minutes as buffer. Enthusiastic participants enjoyed the event with full galore. The event ended at 4:15pm, with the collection of the question papers, as our hosts guided the participants through the answer key. With a recorded attendance of 65+36= 101 participants, 4 hosts and a few volunteers, we do hope to see you all again in our upcoming events.

Introduction to ACM/ACMW Clubs

01 July 2019

The event started off with a prayer to the almighty God praying for a prosperous year ahead. It was followed by an introduction to the ACROM club by Mr. Nippun Kumar. Then the statistics of the various events conducted in the previous academic year were presented by Vineeth (FACE secretary 2017-18). Various ACM goodies were presented to all the members of the FACE team 2017-18 by the CSE dept. HOD, Ms. Amudha. It was followed by a brief talk by Ms. Amudha explaining the purpose of this departmental forum in our college. She also wished good luck to the new FACE team in continuing the legacy of FACE. The event was then taken over by the new secretary of FACE, Ramshankar. He explained the working of FACE and how it can play an instrumental role in the college life of a student. Later, Amrutha, the present joint secretary elucidated that FACE conducts various workshops and fun, yet technical events. Rahul, the joint secretary continued the FACE introduction and spoke in detail about the FACE Seasons. He reiterated that it lasts the entire semester. From there we moved on to the introduction of the various sister clubs of FACE, starting off with Computer Society of India- CSI. Abhirami, CSI chair, explained to the students how CSI is responsible for organising various talks on trending topics by distinguished speakers who specialize in the field about which they are going to talk. Then the various benefits of becoming a CSI student member were explained by Abhishek, CSI co-chair. He explained that it acts as a method to publish papers and projects. This was followed by the introduction of ACM(Association of Computing Machinery). The chair of ACM, Arvind, talked about the international reputation possessed by ACM and the perks of joining the club. Sriharish, the co-chair of ACM explained about the membership procedure. ACM-W, the purpose and utility of the womens chapter of ACM was explained by the chair of ACM-W, Lavanya. She explained that this organisation supports the women with innovative ideas by sponsoring their ideas to make them into a realit. The co-chair, Harshita Reddy of ACM-W went on to explain that even this club conducts various events on trending topics. Prudhvinath, the chairperson of Codechef spoke about the purpose of this student chapter. He explained that this club conducts various different coding or puzzle solving related events inorder to improve the analytical skills of the students. He also explained how this club helps train the students for coding competitions like ICPC by conducting events and workshops to improve the logical thinking of the student. He encouraged students to take on competitive coding as it helps them improve their mental abilities. We had a brief introduction to the latest addition to the FACE family, FORGE, the gaming club of our college. The main aim of the club was explained by Sathvik and Pavan, chairperson and co-chairperson of FORGE. They explained that this club deals with making games using softwares such as Unity He even showed a small video explaining the aim of this club.


08 March 2019

The event commenced with an introduction of the speakers by Ms. Ashwini Nayak, former Chairperson of our ACM Student Chapter. After the introduction about the speakers, the speakers started the session. The speakers divided their talk into three parts, the WHAT, the HOW and the WHERE of AI and ML in the industry. Mr. Rangaprasad spoke about the WHAT of AI/ML, he spoke about the Use Cases of AI and many applications of AI and ML in use, like Speech-To-Text systems, Recommendation Systems and the likes. He delved into the different domains that AI/ML can be implemented, AI for betterment of our society, the Industry, and discussed some projects like Disaster Response, FarmBeats and Track Diseases, Deep Dreams, Autodraw and the likes. He also discussed a few project ideas that would be helpful for the audience to dabble in, like those in NLP and Planning and Scheduling.


26 December 2018

The second track of AHoC being Python, the event primarily focused on the basics and why Python is extensively used at present. The event was divided into two sessions. The first session from 2:30-3:30 pm was all about participants learning the basics from the Sololearn website. This interactive tutorial had on offer various topics ranging from simple input/output statements to working with files, regex and object oriented principles. The participants were amazed with what the powerful libraries of Python could accomplish. The second session from 3:30-4:20 pm was the competitive round where the participants (in teams of two) had to put to test the knowledge they had acquired over the past hour by competing in a hackerrank contest consisting of 10 questions with gradually increasing difficulty.


09 October 2018

Code Chef Student Chapter started CCTS, which are daily sessions that equips Students with Important Competitive concepts. How it works? The Question related to a topic are posted on the prior day. Students try to find efficient solutions for these problems. Various solutions are discussed in the sessions. The goal is not just to find any solution but to find an optimal solution with low Time and Space complexities. It builds curiosity among Students and then they gradually tend to think outside the box. These interactive sessions enable the audience to reach out to the executive members. Events Professor Radhakrishnan, Codechef incharge, started off the sessions with the Introduction to ICPC. We got to know the importance of Competitive coding and difficulty of ICPC. Topics such as Searching and Sorting, Stacks and Queues, Greedy Algorithms were covered by the executives. A session on Data Structure was conducted by Professor Radhakrishnan. An online contest was held on Hackerrank. This helps in making students more comfortable with Competitive platforms such as Codechef and Hackerrank.


07 October 2018

The event started off with a prayer to the almighty God praying for a prosperous year ahead. It was followed by an introduction to the ACROM club by Mr. Nippun Kumar. Then the statistics of the various events conducted in the previous academic year were presented by Vineeth (FACE secretary 2017-18). Various ACM goodies were presented to all the members of the FACE team 2017-18 by the CSE dept. HOD, Ms. Amudha. It was followed by a brief talk by Ms. Amudha explaining the purpose of this departmental forum in our college. She also wished good luck to the new FACE team in continuing the legacy of FACE. The event was then taken over by the new secretary of FACE, Ramshankar. He explained the working of FACE and how it can play an instrumental role in the college life of a student. Later, Amrutha, the present joint secretary elucidated that FACE conducts various workshops and fun, yet technical events. Rahul, the joint secretary continued the FACE introduction and spoke in detail about the FACE Seasons. He reiterated that it lasts the entire semester. From there we moved on to the introduction of the various sister clubs of FACE, starting off with Computer Society of India- CSI. Abhirami, CSI chair, explained to the students how CSI is responsible for organising various talks on trending topics by distinguished speakers who specialize in the field about which they are going to talk. Then the various benefits of becoming a CSI student member were explained by Abhishek, CSI co-chair. He explained that it acts as a method to publish papers and projects. This was followed by the introduction of ACM(Association of Computing Machinery). The chair of ACM, Arvind, talked about the international reputation possessed by ACM and the perks of joining the club. Sriharish, the co-chair of ACM explained about the membership procedure. ACM-W, the purpose and utility of the womens chapter of ACM was explained by the chair of ACM-W, Lavanya. She explained that this organisation supports the women with innovative ideas by sponsoring their ideas to make them into a realit. The co-chair, Harshita Reddy of ACM-W went on to explain that even this club conducts various events on trending topics. Prudhvinath, the chairperson of Codechef spoke about the purpose of this student chapter. He explained that this club conducts various different coding or puzzle solving related events inorder to improve the analytical skills of the students. He also explained how this club helps train the students for coding competitions like ICPC by conducting events and workshops to improve the logical thinking of the student. He encouraged students to take on competitive coding as it helps them improve their mental abilities. We had a brief introduction to the latest addition to the FACE family, FORGE, the gaming club of our college. The main aim of the club was explained by Sathvik and Pavan, chairperson and co-chairperson of FORGE. They explained that this club deals with making games using softwares such as Unity He even showed a small video explaining the aim of this club.


30 August 2018

FACE rolled out its second event for the semester conducted by its sister club CodeChef. An event on Logical Thinking exclusively for Freshman and Sophomore year students. Each participant was/were allowed to participate individually or in pairs. Organized on a light day of the week, Thursday the expected crowd did not deceive us. We had a full house occupancy of rooms A-404 & A-405. As per schedule the event started at 3:35pm with the giving of the question papers. A period of 35 minutes was given to each contestant with additional 5 minutes as buffer. Enthusiastic participants enjoyed the event with full galore. The event ended at 4:15pm, with the collection of the question papers, as our hosts guided the participants through the answer key. With a recorded attendance of 65+36= 101 participants, 4 hosts and a few volunteers, we do hope to see you all again in our upcoming events.


09 July 2018

TECH-TRIATHLON was conducted on Friday, September 7th, 2018 between 3:30 to 4:20 in the rooms A-301,302,303. The event was exclusive for the first years. TECH TRIATHLON, which is also a part of TFS point system is a competition consisting of 3 sub-events namely Puzzles, Tech taboo and Tech Pictionary that were all timed. The first round consisted of puzzles wherein the students were given a set of aptitude based questions which were to be solved in 10 mins. The second round was Taboo where the objective of the game is for a player to have their teammates guess given words without using the word itself or the five taboo words listed. The last round was Pictionary, a game where you guess the word as your teammate draws it. The games not only ensured that the first years got accustomed to technical terms but that they did so in a fun way. The Competition was a total success with more than 30 participants. Post-event feedbacks from the students were extremely positive and we were also requested to conduct more such events in the future. With help of the executives and other FACE members present, the event went on very smoothly and was well coordinated among the three classrooms.

ACM HOUR OF CODE(AHoC)- Web Development Track

10 May 2018

The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), a student chapter part of FACE (Forum for Aspiring Computer Engineers), organized its first event under the ACM Hour of Code (AHoC) banner on the 5th of October 2018 at CP lab. About the event The first track of AHoC being web development, the event primarily focused on HTML and CSS basics both being quintessential for making a webpage. The event was divided into two sessions. The first session from 2:30-3:30 pm was all about participants learning the basics from the codecademy website. The second session from 3:30-4:20 pm was the competitive round where the participants (in teams of two) had to put to test the knowledge they had acquired over the past hour by making a webpage using the sublime text editor.

SLAC (Stay Late And Code)

24 March 2018

SLAC is the annual flagship event of Amrita School of Engineering s Forum for Aspiring Computer Engineers (FACE). This year it is slated to occur on March 24th and 25th. Participants from ASE-B and other top engineering colleges in Bangalore gather to code for 24 hours and create innovative and ingenious apps, which they then present to a panel of judges. The top teams win cash prizes and goodies. ACM plays a part in SLAC annually.

Recent Trends in Cloud Computing

16 MArch 2018

ACM student chapter of ASE-Bengaluru, organized a talk on Recent Trends in Cloud Computing on 16th of March 2018 at the campus. Ms. Ashwini Nayak, The Chair, ACM (Year III, CSE) welcomed and introduced the speaker of the day, Mr. S. Suresh, founder and CEO of Cloudsiksha, to a gathering of around 100 students. Mr. S. Suresh, started his talk by giving an introduction on Containers and Dockers, to the audience. He further explained the various challenges faced by Docker, the usage of Dockers and the difference between a container and a virtual machine. He then shed light on Orchestration software, Docker Swarm and Kubernetes. He showed the complete architectural overview of Kubernetes, a portable open source platform for managing containerized services. He then discussed about the streaming platform for IoT. His last topic of discussion was on serverless computing and its applications. The event came to a closure with a question answering session, wherein the enthusiastic audience asked doubts from various fields of Computer Science and Mr. S. Suresh answered all the questions patiently. He suggested few websites for various courses. Dr. Supriya M., ACM mentor, presented the speaker with memento and the crowd dispersed.

Cyber Investigation

11 January 2018

ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) organized an event named Cyber Investigation on the 11th of January, 2018. The event commenced at 3:30 PM in the CP Lab, fifth floor. About 30 students from various branches and years of study took part in this event. The event required the contestants to solve 6 simple puzzles regarding a fictional cyber crime case which eventually led to the location of the culprit. The participants had to solve the puzzles in a specific order and the right answer to each puzzle was the password which allowed them to access the next puzzle. The puzzles tested the participants ability to solve sudoku, ASCII codes and apply their common sense into problem solving. Ms. Sowmya, Mr. Chandra and Mr. Sri Ram Kalyan (all from Year III, CSE) finished first. Mr. Krishna Vamsi and Mr. R. Anirud (both Year II, CSE) bagged the second place. A few participants were asked for their views, which revealed that the contestants enjoyed the event and could not get enough. They were intrigued and found the event innovative and interesting. On popular demand, ACM is looking forward to hosting Cyber Investigation Part 2 in the close future.


09 January 2018

The principle intent behind the organization of the event is to introduce competitive coding and place a mind map inside aspirants in order to get the aspirants to move along the path of coding. Prof. Bhadrachalam, Head of Competitive Programming, ASE-Amritapuri has conducted a session on competitive programming on 1st September 2018 at ASE-Bangalore. The primary concepts covered in this session are: Number Theory, Discrete Mathematics and Permutation and Combinations. Fresh aspirants, as well as coders, were introduced with various online coding platforms, so as to help them levitate their skill in coding and reach out a better a community for their future needs. There was also a problem-solving session which gave a hands-on experience on the topics which the students have learnt. At the end of the session, Prof. Bhadrachalam had a brief discussion with the students and gave some general student guidelines about the various career options on which they can pursue. Summarizing everything, it was an informative and interactive event on competitive coding.


31 October 2017

The Association for Computing Machinery, ACM, along with FACE (Forum for Aspiring Computer Engineers) held a workshop under the banner of Hour of Code that focused on educating the participants about the basics of HTML and CSS, two vital parts of website building. The workshop was held through two sessions, one on the 31st of October 2017 and the other on the 3rd of November, 2017 at Amrita School of Engineering, Bengaluru. The gathering was welcomed by Ms. Ashwini Nayak, Chair, ACM (Year III, CSE) who gave the participants a fair idea of what they had signed up for. The Workshop was conducted by Ms. Ashwini along with Mr. Raguvir S, Treasurer, ACM (Year III, CSE) as they took turns to explain the basics and subsequently the advanced aspects of the two languages. Under the guidance of Mr. Akhil K, Secretary, ACM (Year III, CSE), the attendees were taught using the website codecademy . The workshop witnessed participation from students across the branches that added to the excitement as they set out to learn something different apart from their core. Contestants were very quick in picking up the new skills and were an enthusiastic bunch. The event culminated with the participants creating a website on their own based on their recently acquired knowledge Mr. Naveen (Year I, CSE) won the first place for his website and ACM goodies were awarded to the best websites created.=======FACE rolled out its second event for the semester conducted by its sister club CodeChef. An event on Logical Thinking exclusively for Freshman and Sophomore year students. Each participant was/were allowed to participate individually or in pairs. Organized on a light day of the week, Thursday the expected crowd did not deceive us. We had a full house occupancy of rooms A-404 & A-405. As per schedule the event started at 3:35pm with the giving of the question papers. A period of 35 minutes was given to each contestant with additional 5 minutes as buffer. Enthusiastic participants enjoyed the event with full galore. The event ended at 4:15pm, with the collection of the question papers, as our hosts guided the participants through the answer key. With a recorded attendance of 65+36=101 participants, 4 hosts and a few volunteers, we do hope to see you all again in our upcoming events.>>>>>>> e26a74ba8763494f3845f4433410f1a7af2ff448

ACM-ICPC Warm Up Week

20 October 2017

ICPC WARM-UP 2k17 was a prep up session hosted in collaboration with Codechef, a chapter of FACE (Forum for Aspiring Computer Engineers). It mainly aimed at all the student aspirants who wanted to take part in the ACM-ICPC (Association for Computing Machinery- International Collegiate Programming Contest). The session was spread over five days with systematically organized topics which was covered in it s due course. The student coaches for this 5 day session were were Mr. Rishikeshwar, Chair, Codechef(CSE, Year III) and Mr.Vivek Reddy, Co-Chair, Codechef (CSE, year III). Day 1 of the ICPC WARM-UP 2k17 enlightened the students with the Brute Force algorithm and familiarize the students with user-friendly coding platforms like Hackerrank and Codechef. The audience was also introduced to the concept of time complexity, functions and arrays. Day 2 of the warm-up elucidated to the students the concept of arrays, their applications and different code syntaxes in C++. They also elucidated to the audience on the concept of arrays in correspondence to those code syntaxes. Day 3 of the training was meant to give the students a glimpse into the level of skills the competition required. Programming concepts such as primes, sieve, segmented sieve, Euler s quotient function and Euler s GCD were looked into in detail. Students were given insights into the level of technical knowledge required for the competition. Day 4 comprised of various applications of bit manipulation, which was elucidated with apposite examples. It underlined the vital length and time constraints in competitive programming Implementations of these concepts from a competitive coding angle were discussed. Day 5 dealt with an exhaustive discussion on the technicalities of the online contest. The prospective contestants were exposed to time management during problem solving, the working of the leader board and formats of the questions. The intensive 5-day session received an appreciable response and it gave the students a grass-root level insight into the thrilling world of competitive coding.

Introduction to ACM-ICPC

06 October 2017

An introduction to ACM - ICPC (International Collegiate Programming Contest), was held on the 6th of October, 2017. Rishikeshwar, Chair, Codechef, (Year III, CSE), addressed the gathering of hopeful students. Dr. Radhakrishnan, Mentor, Codechef, expounded to the audience the three tier structure of the contest. He briefed the attendees about the registration process and the selection of teams to the finals in various regions. He further outlined the team structure and then presented a sample question. Sanket M Bhat, Former Secretary, FACE, (4th year CSE), one of the finalists of the Southern Regionals, 2016, shared his experience of competitive programming. He shed light on the importance of coding from the perspective of job placements. He also discussed with the students the various methods by which one can improve one s programming skills. All the queries from the audience were patiently answered by him.

Artificial Intelligence and its Relevance to Financial Services

13 September 2017

Amrita School of Engineering, Bengaluru s ACM-W Student Chapter hosted its first event of the odd semester on 13th September, 2017. The event was a Distinguished Speaker Programme on Banking, Fintechs and staying relevant in the age of Artificial Intelligence, and the speakers were Ms. Akshata N. and Ms. Krithika S. of ANZ Bengaluru. The session commenced with a few lines of introduction about the event and the speakers from the ACM-W Chair, Devi Krishnan (Year 3, CSE). The speakers then took over, starting by elaborating on the financial services industry and their company. They went on to talk about various Fintechs, different services provided by the same, and spoke about Artificial Intelligence and its relevance to financial services. The session was very informative as well as interactive. Both speakers interjected humour into the talk, ensuring that the atmosphere was light but still encouraged learning. The attendees asked several questions and it could be seen how interested all the participants were. The event came to an end with a short question and answer session and a vote of thanks given by Lavanya Karthikeyan, ACM-W Co-Chair (Year 2, CSE), following which Dr. Supriya M., ACM-W Student Chapter Mentor, presented the speakers with mementos and the crowd dispersed.


26 April 2017

Our last event for the academic year (26th April 2017) was a Distinguished Speaker programme on Technical Poster Presentation. Ms. Kamala Srinivasan from the ACM committee was the speaker for the day who briefed the students about the prestigious Grace Hopper Conference and details about presenting a paper at the event.


24 April 2017

As part of the local student chapter, ACM held an event on 24th April, 2017 where in students were introduced to the dynamics of programming. The event introduced the basic concepts of competitive programming following which a hackathon was held to test their skills.


15 March 2017

A distinguished speaker program was conducted on March 15th 2017. The highlight of this event was a talk on Women in Technology which was given by Ms Rashmi Mohan. This event began with the inauguration of the Women's Chapter of ACM for the first time in our college on 15th March, 2017. The session started with the traditional lighting of the lamp by Dr. Amudha J., Asso. Prof., Dept. of CSE, Ms. Supriya M., Asst. Professor, Dept. of CSE and the chief guest, Ms. Rashmi Mohan, Secretary, ACM India. Mr. Subramaniam Pillai, an alumnus, addressed the youngsters and discussed the need to focus on being a problem solver rather than just a mere engineer. The speaker for the day, Ms. Rashmi Mohan shared her experiences in the business world, and described her job stint at Yahoo. Her tips and tricks for surviving in the industry were truly enlightening for the audience. The event concluded on a positive note with Dr. Amudha J. felicitating the guest speaker.


24 February 2017

On February 24th 2017, a workshop on Django was conducted by Mr Sreecharan, an alumni of our college. In this workshop, students were introduced to the advantages of using Django in software development and its importance as a back-end framework in web development.

Introduction to ACM/ACMW Clubs

01 July 2019

The event started off with a prayer to the almighty God praying for a prosperous year ahead. It was followed by an introduction to the ACROM club by Mr. Nippun Kumar. Then the statistics of the various events conducted in the previous academic year were presented by Vineeth (FACE secretary 2017-18). Various ACM goodies were presented to all the members of the FACE team 2017-18 by the CSE dept. HOD, Ms. Amudha. It was followed by a brief talk by Ms. Amudha explaining the purpose of this departmental forum in our college. She also wished good luck to the new FACE team in continuing the legacy of FACE. The event was then taken over by the new secretary of FACE, Ramshankar. He explained the working of FACE and how it can play an instrumental role in the college life of a student. Later, Amrutha, the present joint secretary elucidated that FACE conducts various workshops and fun, yet technical events. Rahul, the joint secretary continued the FACE introduction and spoke in detail about the FACE Seasons. He reiterated that it lasts the entire semester. From there we moved on to the introduction of the various sister clubs of FACE, starting off with Computer Society of India- CSI. Abhirami, CSI chair, explained to the students how CSI is responsible for organising various talks on trending topics by distinguished speakers who specialize in the field about which they are going to talk. Then the various benefits of becoming a CSI student member were explained by Abhishek, CSI co-chair. He explained that it acts as a method to publish papers and projects. This was followed by the introduction of ACM(Association of Computing Machinery). The chair of ACM, Arvind, talked about the international reputation possessed by ACM and the perks of joining the club. Sriharish, the co-chair of ACM explained about the membership procedure. ACM-W, the purpose and utility of the womens chapter of ACM was explained by the chair of ACM-W, Lavanya. She explained that this organisation supports the women with innovative ideas by sponsoring their ideas to make them into a realit. The co-chair, Harshita Reddy of ACM-W went on to explain that even this club conducts various events on trending topics. Prudhvinath, the chairperson of Codechef spoke about the purpose of this student chapter. He explained that this club conducts various different coding or puzzle solving related events inorder to improve the analytical skills of the students. He also explained how this club helps train the students for coding competitions like ICPC by conducting events and workshops to improve the logical thinking of the student. He encouraged students to take on competitive coding as it helps them improve their mental abilities. We had a brief introduction to the latest addition to the FACE family, FORGE, the gaming club of our college. The main aim of the club was explained by Sathvik and Pavan, chairperson and co-chairperson of FORGE. They explained that this club deals with making games using softwares such as Unity He even showed a small video explaining the aim of this club.


08 March 2019

The event commenced with an introduction of the speakers by Ms. Ashwini Nayak, former Chairperson of our ACM Student Chapter. After the introduction about the speakers, the speakers started the session. The speakers divided their talk into three parts, the WHAT, the HOW and the WHERE of AI and ML in the industry. Mr. Rangaprasad spoke about the WHAT of AI/ML, he spoke about the Use Cases of AI and many applications of AI and ML in use, like Speech-To-Text systems, Recommendation Systems and the likes. He delved into the different domains that AI/ML can be implemented, AI for betterment of our society, the Industry, and discussed some projects like Disaster Response, FarmBeats and Track Diseases, Deep Dreams, Autodraw and the likes. He also discussed a few project ideas that would be helpful for the audience to dabble in, like those in NLP and Planning and Scheduling.


22 December 2016

ACM also co-hosted the ACM-ICPC 2016 (Inter Collegiate Programming Contest) with the Forum of Aspiring Computer Engineers (FACE). The final round was organized in the college on 23rd December 2016 in which over 100 teams participated from all over India and some Asian countries. Enthusiastic teams from reputed institutes like the IIT s, IISc, BITS, NIT s, North South University(Dhaka, Bangladesh) to name just a few, gathered at the campus to battle it out at what is known to be the most prestigious international coding contest. The event concluded on a joyous note, with the top 12 teams, who have qualified for the World Finals, emerging from the Bengaluru centre.


05 October 2016

On 5th October 2016, the event on Introduction to GIT enlightened the students about the version controlled technology in software development. The event was presented by Mangalnathan, Secretary of ACM Student Chapter at Amrita Bengaluru. The event drew healthy participation and involvement from students passionate about software technologies.

Workshop on Eye tracking and computer vision

19 August 2016

The main objective of the workshop is to bridge the gap between computer vision researchers and eye tracking researchers, so has to design and develop their research ideas, by understanding the human perceptual vision through eye tracking technologies. The highlight of the workshop is on the computational saliency models which try to perceive what the human eye focus when he/she sees a certain information scene. The top researchers from NUS, IISc, Tata Innovation Labs, ABB, Robert Bosch, Amrita and others in this field will be delivering on the fundamentals, different architectures and applications of saliency models. The workshop has a hands-on session of understanding the computational model. To understand the human perceptual vision, one has to understand how a human looks and understands the scene. This is the second major goal of the workshop which is handled by Sensomotoric Instruments(SMI), Germany who delivers the fundamentals of eye tracking, technology, Experiments to be conducted on Eye tracking, Data Analytics and Applications inclusive of hands-on session on Eye tracking. The underlying vision of this workshop is to gain useful insight to build computational visual attention models which can be extended for various applications in health care and industry to develop intelligent machine vision tasks.